金银峡是临江近年来重点开发的生态经济旅游区。这里山奇水秀,大自然的鬼斧神工把景色装扮得绚丽多彩。每年的黄金周期间,“金银峡”都以其独特的魅力吸引了四方宾朋。 金银峡位于临江市苇沙河镇,距临28公里,鸭绿江畔与朝鲜隔江相望,这里江阔水稳,山清水秀,峰险岭奇,盛产鳌花、重唇等各种名鱼。不仅有着良好的自然生态环境,而且人文景观也具特色,是一个无山不美、无水不秀、无景不奇的旅游胜地。金银峡旅游区山涧清幽秀丽,溪水妩媚多姿,怪石耸立。法荫寺古刹钟声悠扬,疑处梦境,有道高僧讲经颂法,佛光普照。鸭绿江水(冰)上乐园,夏季“让我们荡起双桨,小船推开波浪,迎面吹来了凉爽的风”,让我们回到了儿时的梦境。豪华的客轮可让我们畅游在临江—集安航线,饱览鸭绿江沿岸两国秀美风光。冬季的冰天雪地,狗拉爬犁,雪地摩托等项目,可尽情领略北国风情。 the Gold and Silver Gorge This is an important ecological economic tourist zone in Linjiang City in recent years. In this area there are beautiful waters and mysterious hills. The prodigious skill of the nature decorate the scenery more graceful and colorful. During the golden holiday every year, it attracts the tourists all over the country. It is located in Wei Sha River Town, 28km from the downtown of Linjiang. Yalu River is the frontier of China and North Korea. In this area, there is excellent scenery with the green waters, verdant hills, and steep cliffs. It is also wealthy in mandarin fish, hemibarbus labeo, and so on. It not only has nice natural ecological environment, but also unique human landscape, it is really a tourist resort with beautiful waters, hills and scenery. The current is quiet and graceful and the stream is enchanting, and there stand weird rocks. The bell of Fayin Temple sounds melodious, just like immerging in dreamland, and the hierarch sermons. In this Paradise on the Yalu River, the song “ Let us shake pair oars, and shove the wave, the cool wind blows us head-on.” in summer, which recalls our childhood. Luxurious passenger lines strolls us between Linjiang and Jiaan, and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the coast. It is a world of ice and snow in winter, there are many interesting items such as sled pulled by dogs, motor in snowfield, and so on. 伪满皇帝行宫
花山森林公园位于吉林省白山市临江市辖区内。总面积1.8万公顷,森林面积1.35万公顷,森林覆盖率为75%。 花山国家森林公园原名长白山临江花山镇温泉度假村,地处长白山腹地。这里有一天然矿泉,中国著名... [全部]
鸭绿江漂流起自临江市四道沟镇的长川村,沿中、朝界河鸭绿江顺流漂下25华里。漂流活动不仅可以使您饱览鸭绿江两岸不同国度与民族的山川景物及风土人情,而且还可以让您在浪遏飞舟、有惊无险的漂流过程中充分领略... [全部]
苇沙河库区位于苇沙河镇,是云峰水库的上游,距临江18公里,距云峰水库大坝65公里,江面水宽达1000米,平均水深30余来米。这里碧波万顷,山水相依,水鸟潜浮,鱼虾相戏,江水清澈透明,波光妩媚动人。盛... [全部]